After weeks of being confided to at-home learning and practices, the team is back in person for the first practice of the new year. During the beginning of practice, guest speaker Dr. Matthew Caputo, an assistant professor at Penn State Shenango, spoke to the team about a high school mentoring program that team members have the ability to participate in along with undergraduate students. 3D printing filament and the effects of the material structure on the durability of the product where the focus of this program along with how an electron microscope can be used to observe filaments at a closer level and can have various uses in the science field. After Dr. Caputo’s speech, the team made minor improvements on the robot such as adjusting the placement of the outtake in order to shoot the rings out more easily. The team is excited to be back to in-person practices and cannot wait to get to work next week. We really appreciate Dr. Caputo speaking to us about the engineering field and future career opportunities.
The team listened to guest speaker, Dr. Caputo, who discussed mentorship and career opportunities in the field of engineering.